
Comment faire une demande pour le BC E-Bike Rebate Program - Directives d'application et liste de documents

By Haseeb Javed

May 25, 2023

bc ebike rebate

Avez-vous manqué BC Rebate?

Ne vous inquiétez pas, E-Bike BC vous couvre, rendez-vous sur notre page d'offres spécialisées et obtenez une remise personnalisée jusqu'à 700 $ +

Présentation de l'ENVO Stax : la prochaine génération de vélos de route électriques Vous lisez Comment faire une demande pour le BC E-Bike Rebate Program - Directives d'application et liste de documents 3 minutes Suivant BC Ebike Rebate: Liste des détaillants approuvés

Rendre le transport durable plus accessible et abordable. La province de la Colombie-Britannique lance un nouveau programme de rabais visant à encourager les résidents à adopter les vélos électriques comme une alternative pratique et écologique aux véhicules à moteur. Avec des remises basées sur le revenu, allant de 350 $ à 1 400 $, cette initiative vise à rendre les vélos électriques plus abordables pour les particuliers de toute la province. En supprimant la nécessité de mettre une voiture à la ferraille et en investissant plus de 6 millions de dollars en remises, le programme devrait bénéficier jusqu'à 9 000 personnes, réduisant ainsi le coût de leurs achats de vélos électriques. Joignez-vous à nous pour découvrir comment ce programme de rabais transforme les options de transport et favorise un avenir plus vert pour la Colombie-Britannique.

Comment faire une demande de rabais BC E-Bike?

1 : Appliquer

Localisez une copie de votre NOA , déterminez vos revenus, puis remplissez le formulaire de demande en ligne

2 : Obtenez une approbation

Vous pouvez vous attendre à recevoir votre e-mail d'approbation dans un délai d'environ deux jours ouvrables.

3 : Achetez votre vélo électrique

Achetez votre vélo électrique préféré chez EbikeBC et obtenez des documents complets ainsi que les instructions qui vous aideront à rendre votre processus d'approbation très fluide.

4 : Réclamer la remise

Visitez Electric Bike Claim - BC E-Bike Rebate Program ( et remplissez votre demande.

Combien coûte le remboursement pour les résidents de la Colombie-Britannique ?

Le montant de la remise est basé sur vos revenus. Dont le détail est fourni ci-dessous.

Tranche de revenu Montant du remboursement
Moins de 38950 $ 1 400 $
38 951 $ à 51 130 $ 1 000 $
Au-dessus de 51 131 $ 350 $

De quels documents requis avez-vous besoin pour le rabais?

En tant que détaillant agréé du programme BC E-Bike Rebate, EBikeBC vous fournira les documents suivants en fonction de votre type de commande, tous ces documents seront suffisants pour une demande de remboursement réussie.

1 : Reçu POS (point de vente)

2 : EBikeBC Reçu imprimé

3 : Etiquette d'expédition apposée sur le carton

4 : Confirmation d'achat par e-mail (commande en ligne)

Pouvez-vous acheter un vélo électrique avant l'approbation de la demande ?

Il n'y a aucune indication dans le programme de remise BC Ebike à ce sujet, mais pour être sûr, il vaut mieux attendre l'approbation de la demande avant de faire l'achat. Vous voudrez peut-être également confirmer avec le détaillant ses politiques de remboursement/retour au cas où votre demande ne serait pas approuvée et que vous voudriez retourner le produit.

Où puis-je trouver la liste des revendeurs agréés ?

Vous pouvez trouver la liste des revendeurs agréés ici : BC Ebike Rebate : Liste des revendeurs agréés (

Exemple de remise

ENVO D35 ENVOStax ENVO Flex Overland


PDSF = 2 479 $

Prix ​​après remise = 1 079 $

Acheter maintenant!

PDSF = 2 479 $

Prix ​​après rabais = 1 079 $

Acheter maintenant!
PDSF = 3 429 $

Prix ​​après rabais = 2 029 $

Acheter maintenant!

68 commentaires



The <> website is down…the homepage loads just fine but when ever you trey to select any of the options to, even to apply for the waitlist the webpages just returns a 404 error:

"Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

I have contacted both phone numbers & the email provided on the websites homepage to no avail thus far.

The <> website is down…the homepage loads just fine but when ever you trey to select any of the options to, even to apply for the waitlist the webpages just returns a 404 error:

"Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

I have contacted both phone numbers & the email provided on the websites homepage to no avail thus far.



been almost a month since I applied and ended up on the waiting list. Any chance we might hear something before summer is mostly over? :)

been almost a month since I applied and ended up on the waiting list. Any chance we might hear something before summer is mostly over? :)



I went into waite list. it's been 13 days and no luck. no email from them. any advise

I went into waite list. it's been 13 days and no luck. no email from them. any advise

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

Individual income only.

Individual income only.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

Both could work.

Both could work.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

No, only purchase after 1 june.

No, only purchase after 1 june.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb



Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb



Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

Please contact the application admin here: <>

We are simply helping with the application guide.

Please contact the application admin here: <>

We are simply helping with the application guide.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

You can apply on her behalf.

You can apply on her behalf.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

After $1400 discount its a $600 bike.

After $1400 discount its a $600 bike.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

Hi Marie,

You have to get approved first, then pay the full amount and get a rebate from the government.

Hi Marie,

You have to get approved first, then pay the full amount and get a rebate from the government.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

Total income (gross).
It is on your T4 (both will have different T4) so shouldnt be an issue.

Total income (gross).
It is on your T4 (both will have different T4) so shouldnt be an issue.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

It was quite glitchy :(

It was quite glitchy :(

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

You will get an email from them.

You will get an email from them.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

You are right, the form was available on the website.

You are right, the form was available on the website.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb



Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

You would need to get in touch with the team administrating the funds here: <>

You would need to get in touch with the team administrating the funds here: <>

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

You can contact here; <>

You can contact here; <>

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

Due to sheer number of applicants the website seemed to have crashed.

Due to sheer number of applicants the website seemed to have crashed.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

You can apply here: <>

You can apply here: <>

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

Many people have not received the approval. It will take a few days!

Many people have not received the approval. It will take a few days!

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

We are trying our best to reply to the questions, if you have anything urgent please drop us a message on our help center.

We are trying our best to reply to the questions, if you have anything urgent please drop us a message on our help center.

Muhammad Haseeb

Muhammad Haseeb

Unfortunately no, you would need to buy a new bike after 1st June.

Unfortunately no, you would need to buy a new bike after 1st June.



We bought new e-bike last year, would we qualify for this rebate?

We bought new e-bike last year, would we qualify for this rebate?

Richard Beauchamp

Richard Beauchamp

Where are the answers? I have similar questions, if the answers are not posted this whole page is rendered usless.

Where are the answers? I have similar questions, if the answers are not posted this whole page is rendered usless.



It would be good to receive a confirmation showing the application as having been received. The site ate all my personal information then just went to a landing page. No confirmation! That is unnerving.

It would be good to receive a confirmation showing the application as having been received. The site ate all my personal information then just went to a landing page. No confirmation! That is unnerving.



Are you kidding me?! In the midst of a health care crisis and education crisis and opioid crisis, this government is willing to put $6 million into subsidizing e-bikes?! Shame on you BC government!!

Are you kidding me?! In the midst of a health care crisis and education crisis and opioid crisis, this government is willing to put $6 million into subsidizing e-bikes?! Shame on you BC government!!

lauri neill

lauri neill

? you can’t!! get in to what you want to find out the information that you need!! do l apply?
? you can’t!! get in to what you want to find out the information that you need!! do l apply?


How do I get forms

How do I get forms

Nadia Spodarek

Nadia Spodarek

Tried when the application came on line, The 3 digit bank # was not accepted to begin with. Secondly I couldn’t figure out how to get my voided cheque and net income on
The online application. Was so looking forward to being able to put my name in. Some others had same difficulty.

Tried when the application came on line, The 3 digit bank # was not accepted to begin with. Secondly I couldn’t figure out how to get my voided cheque and net income on
The online application. Was so looking forward to being able to put my name in. Some others had same difficulty.

Robin St.Amour

Robin St.Amour

I there a place to go for assistance ?

I there a place to go for assistance ?

Jason Dowds

Jason Dowds

My wife tried to register unfortunately we haven’t had a response. Her e mail was

My wife tried to register unfortunately we haven’t had a response. Her e mail was

Linda kennedy

Linda kennedy

When my application was submitted ( I was #1980 in the cue) there was a error in my email address please correct the error and use the email above which is the correct one! Please advise if you are unable to correct my error

When my application was submitted ( I was #1980 in the cue) there was a error in my email address please correct the error and use the email above which is the correct one! Please advise if you are unable to correct my error

Susana lam

Susana lam

Please send me the rebate form for me to fill in

Please send me the rebate form for me to fill in

Paul Cox

Paul Cox

Trying to get started with the paperwork, but I can’t find the online application form. According to the website’s 4 Easy Steps, submitting this application and receiving an approval email are supposed to happen before you purchase an e-bike.

Trying to get started with the paperwork, but I can’t find the online application form. According to the website’s 4 Easy Steps, submitting this application and receiving an approval email are supposed to happen before you purchase an e-bike.



I got through the whole thing, hit submit and it acted like it was processing then went back to the home page. I got no confirmation of any sort that it was accepted or did it disappear into cyberspace?

I got through the whole thing, hit submit and it acted like it was processing then went back to the home page. I got no confirmation of any sort that it was accepted or did it disappear into cyberspace?

robert taylor

robert taylor

How on earth does one bring up the form should be able to just click but no round and round we go do you not check that everything works before putting it up

How on earth does one bring up the form should be able to just click but no round and round we go do you not check that everything works before putting it up



no application show up to fill at all up to now 11:21am :(

no application show up to fill at all up to now 11:21am :(



The application link page doesn’t even work. It has no application form on that page!!! What a joke!

The application link page doesn’t even work. It has no application form on that page!!! What a joke!

pat anderson

pat anderson

is the rebate based on total income or taxable income or net income… my wife and i use pension sharing so total income doesnt help us.. taxable income and net income we qualify?

is the rebate based on total income or taxable income or net income… my wife and i use pension sharing so total income doesnt help us.. taxable income and net income we qualify?



Hello there,

I am trying to fill out the application for the e bike rebate program, however it is coming up with an error code when I click the link. Is there a way you could e mail it to me? Thank you for your time I appreciate it.

Hello there,

I am trying to fill out the application for the e bike rebate program, however it is coming up with an error code when I click the link. Is there a way you could e mail it to me? Thank you for your time I appreciate it.



Application Link doesn’t work?

Application Link doesn’t work?

donna hemingson

donna hemingson

nothing works trying both safari and firefox and it just keeps looping back…did get in at the first but then tried to correct a wrong number in the wrong box on the application and then I can’t get back to that! this hardly seems worth the frustration!!

nothing works trying both safari and firefox and it just keeps looping back…did get in at the first but then tried to correct a wrong number in the wrong box on the application and then I can’t get back to that! this hardly seems worth the frustration!!



Link to the application form doesnt work!!!

Link to the application form doesnt work!!!



application is not available
who can help?

application is not available
who can help?

Shawn lelonde

Shawn lelonde

I all ready have a e bike but would like to upgrade to a newer bike

I all ready have a e bike but would like to upgrade to a newer bike



Hi Jake,
Only the individual income counts for this rebate.

Hi Jake,
Only the individual income counts for this rebate.



application doesn’t show up to fill up

application doesn’t show up to fill up

Marie-Thérèse Reinarz

Marie-Thérèse Reinarz

I have a regular bike that don’t use much anymore because going uphill becomes a struggle and I would like to be able to move around freely. I don’t have a car but I walk a lot and use public transit.
I would really like to get a e-bike such as the Envo D35 Electric Bike.
I am low income senior living in a BC Senior Housing.
My question: do I have to pay the full amount first before I get reimbursed.
Thank you for looking after my request
Marie-Thérèse Reinarz

I have a regular bike that don’t use much anymore because going uphill becomes a struggle and I would like to be able to move around freely. I don’t have a car but I walk a lot and use public transit.
I would really like to get a e-bike such as the Envo D35 Electric Bike.
I am low income senior living in a BC Senior Housing.
My question: do I have to pay the full amount first before I get reimbursed.
Thank you for looking after my request
Marie-Thérèse Reinarz

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